British Columbia Invitations | BC issues 256 Invitations | BC PNP draw

  British Columbia issues 256 invitations in latest PNP draw Periodically, BC invites the highest scoring registrants in each category to apply to the BC Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP). BC then nominate successful applicants to apply to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) for Permanent Residence. The British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP) invited candidates from 3 skilled worker immigration sub-categories and 2 Express Entry sub-categories. British Columbia invited immigration candidates to apply for a provincial nomination for permanent residence on December 08, 2020. British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP) issued a total of 256 invitations through Express Entry and skills immigration streams. Candidates were invited under Skilled Worker, International Graduates, Entry Level and Semi-Skilled subcategory under Skills Immigration Stream. Skills Immigration and Express Entry BC Date Number of Invitations Cate...

SINP Invitation | SINP Express-Entry | SINP Occupation In-Demand

SINP Invitation

Saskatchewan invites 564 candidates to apply for Provincial Nomination

In recent draw, Saskatchewan PNP has invited Express Entry and Occupation In-Demand candidates with a score of 74.

Saskatchewan Immigration Nominee Program (SINP) invited candidates from the International Skilled Worker category throw two subcategories:

  1. Express Entry
  2. Occupation In-Demand

They have issued a total of 564 invitations to immigration candidates on December 01, 2020.

In order to receive the invitations from SINP, candidate from both sub-categories need to have submit their Express of Interest (EOI) profiles and the cut-off score is 74.

In order to be invited in this draw, candidates from both sub-categories needed to have submitted Expression of Interest (EOI) profiles with the SINP. Regardless of the category, invited candidates needed an EOI score of at least 74 in order to be invited. This is the provincial requirement, not the Comprehensive Ranking System cut-off. Invited candidates had Educational Credential Assessments.

The SINP uses the EOI system to select the candidates that have the most potential to succeed in the regional labour market. Candidates need to demonstrate their commitment to building a life in Saskatchewan by showcasing their work experience, education, language ability, age, and connections to the province.

The SINP uses these five factors to assess candidates and give them a score out of 100 on the International Skilled Worker Points Assessment Grid. The highest-scoring candidates are then issued an invitation to apply for a provincial nomination from Saskatchewan.

Express Entry sub-category







Express Entry




Otherwise candidates should have EOI score of 74 or more, there were total of 86 occupations included in the draw.

Express Entry candidates those who applied for SINP PNP and received a Provincial Nomination from Saskatchewan are awarded an additional 600 points towards their Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score.

Occupation In-Demand

Remaining 426 candidates were invited under Occupation In-Demand subcategory, all they need is they should have at least Educational Credential Assessments (ECA). A total of 86 occupations were included in this draw.

Occupation In-Demand is open to Immigration Candidates who do not have a Federal Express Entry profile. This program belongs to immigration candidates who is having required work experience in occupations that have labour shortages in Saskatchewan.


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